Day 2 - Nairobi

Full day of shopping - First for team supplies and then at the Masai Market - so many many beautiful things.
The story of getting to the market - my favorite moto driver picked me up and told me there was much traffic today because it is Saturday and there is a big event going on .... and we are off.

Lessons I have learned today as a Moto rider in Nairobi:

1. When you are cutting in between busses the mirrors are at the direct height to bonk you in the head. Only happened once!

2. While the driver is weaving her way through other vehicles it is okay for the passenger to bang on the side of the bus/van/car/cart being pulled by a person and yell. It aids in NOT being cut off. (ha ha)

3. The size of a passage-way between two vehicles is NOT directly proportional to the handle bars of the moto but to the wiggle room of the handle bars at an angle - sliding against another vehicle is allowed.

4. Finally, when people hanging out of bus doors, off the back of trucks and other places either yell or state "Mzungu (white person) you are crazy" I believe in reference to riding a moto - it is a complement.

Shopping at the Market was wonderful. Prismatic colors of jewelry, carvings etc, set against the back drop of fabrics and clothing, one more beautiful than the next.

A mound of paper beads 

Bracelets made of beads, cow horn and wood. 
Handmade beaded sandals

A "herd" of elephants 

Can you find all of the "Big Five?"
